EYWA- HORIZON 2020 Prize winner

Цeнтaр изузeтних врeднoсти Jeдинствeнo здрaвљe – вeктoри бoлeсти и климa дoпринeo je рaзвojу нajбoљeг eврoпскoг прoтoтипa зa прeдвиђaњe и прaћeњe бoлeсти кoje сe прeнoсe вeктoримa, зaснoвaнoг нa сaтeлитскoj дeтeкциjи. Цeнтaр je пaртнeр у прojeкту сa сeдиштeм у Грчкoj, EarlY WArning System for Mosquito-borne Diseases (EYWA), кojи je дoбиo нaгрaду (EIC Horizon Prize on Early Warning for Epidemics) вредну 5 милиoнa eврa.

Horizon 2020 Prize су пoдстицajнa тaкмичeњa кoja нудe нoвчaну нaгрaду нaучним тимoвимa кojи нajeфикaсниje oдгoвoрe нa дeфинисaни изaзoв. У oвoм случajу, изaзoв je биo дa сe рaзвиje скaлaбилaн, пoуздaн и исплaтив прoтoтип систeмa рaнoг упoзoрaвaњa зa прeдвиђaњe и прaćeњe бoлeсти кoje сe прeнoсe вeктoримa кaкo би сe дoпринeлo прeвeнциjи избиjaњa бoлeсти, ублaжaвaњу њихoвoг утицaja нa лoкaлнoм, рeгиoнaлнoм и глoбaлнoм нивoу и пружaњу пoдршкe пoстojećим нaпoримa зa eлиминaциjу прeнoшeњa. Horizon 2020 Prize прoмoвишe нajсмeлиja инoвaциoнa истрaживaњa.

Погледајте видео записе о:
значају пројекта: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNZFRNDSBVY
информацијама које пружа EYWA: https://youtu.be/HeFRuLKjx0M


ИСИДОРе – „Интегрисане услуге за истраживање појаве заразних болести“ званично је покренут данас. Велики пројекат који финансира ЕУ вредан 21 милион евра окупља незапамћени интегрисани портфолио најсавременијих истраживачких услуга и ресурса заснован на јединственом здрављу, полазећи од најосновнијих па све до најпримењенијих истраживања, посвећених проучавању болести које доводе до епидемија укључујући САРС-КоВ-2 сојеве.

Текућа пандемија КОВИД-19 показала је да постоји кључна потреба за већим капацитетом спремности и одговора на патогене склоне епидемији на нивоу ЕУ и на глобалном нивоу. Током свих здравственим криза 21. века, од САРС-а, МЕРС-а, Еболе и Зике, до актуелне пандемије Ковид-19, манифестовао се еведентан недостатак координације и недовољне примене интердисциплинарног приступа. Потребно је озбиљно приступити решавању ових недостатака да бисмо се успешно суочавали са наредним епидемијама инфективних обољења узрокованих високо ризичним патогенима.

ИСИДОРе ће допринети спремности Европе за било који патоген склон епидемији кроз глобални, интегрисани приступ заснован на спремности, пружањем бесплатног приступа најсавременијим ресурсима и услугама за научним корисничким заједницама за подршку њиховим истраживачким пројектима у области инфективних обољења у „мирним временима” као и за време појаве обољења или епидемије.

„ИСИДОРе може ојачати истраживање које се односе на спремност за „Болест Х“ и обезбедити флексибилан оквир за унапређење истраживања о патогенима склоним епидемијама, што ће се сматрати важним доприносом спремности Европе за појаву епидемија патогена са високим последицама“, нагласио је Кристијан Вимер из новоосноване европска агенција ХЕРА и члан стратешког саветодавног одбора ИСИДОРе.
Прве акције ИСИДОРе пројекта допринеће борби против пораста варијанти САРС-КоВ-2 кроз обезбеђивање брзог приступа изузетно великом броју ресурса и услуга истраживачима.
„Успех ИСИДОРе-а у смислу резултата и утицаја сигурно ће представљати снажан доказ за његову дугорочну одрживост у контексту спремности за епидемију, у блиској сарадњи са кључним европским и глобалним заинтересованим организацијама“, додао је Андреас Холтел из Извршне агенције истраживања у склопу Европске комисије.

„ИСИДОРе је нови приступ истраживању спремности за епидемију у Европи. Са нашим бројним партнерима, намеравамо да покажемо да успостављање овог наменског и интегрисаног портфељеа инфраструктурних услуга за истраживање епидемијских болести може значајно утицати на истраживачки пејзаж заразних болести у Европи и глобално и дати велики допринос европској спремности“ – Џонатан Евбанк, директора ЕРИНХА, координатор ИСИДОРе.


ИСИДОРе, интердисциплинарни пројекат који координира ЕРИНХА, финансира програм Европске комисије Хоризонт-Европа кроз ХЕРА инкубационе позиве и окупља све кључне европске истраживачке инфраструктуре и мреже у области науке о животу, као и оне у друштвеним наукама.

Конзорцијум окупља 154 партнера под окриљем ERINHA, BBMRI-ERIC, EATRIS, ECRIN, ELIXIR,EMBRC,EU-OPENSCREEN,Euro-BioImaging, EVAg, INFRAFRONTIER, InfraVec2, Instruct-ERIC, MIRRI,Sonar-Global, TRANSVAC и VetBioNet (https://isidore-project.eu).

ISIDORe: Нови приступ истраживању спремности за пандемију у Европи

Брисел, 24.02.2022


Основни циљ Aedes Invasive Mosquito (AIM) COST Action је успостављање мреже партнера и институција широм Европе како би се на економичан начин одговорило на управљање ризиком од уношења и ширења егзотичних инвазивних вируса које преносе инвазивни комарци рода Aedes (https://www.aedescost.eu/).

Изабране активности:

1. Школа обуке: Контола квалитета мера сузбијања инвазивних комараца рода Aedes. Локација: Валенсија, Шпанија. Датум: 13-24 септембар 2021. године. Концепт и вођење: Душан Петрић, заменик руководиоца AIM COST Action.

Школа обуке имала је за циљ да пружи свеобухватна теоријска и практична знања о ентомолошкој процени ефикасности различитих метода сузбијања (укључујући SIT) азијског тиграсатог комарца (Aedes albopictus). Часови у лабораторији су допунили опсежан теренски рад на узорковању ларви, лутки, одраслих мужјака и женки и преносу знања и вештина током теренских истраживања. Такође, учесници су се бавили дизајнирањем експеримената, анализама и интерпретацијом добијених резултата. Погледај крaтки видео запис.

Онлајн радионица

„Анализа података сакупљених у току Школе обуке AIM-COST у Валенсији (укључујући AIM – Adult Population Size Estimation, AIM-Apse 2022). Место: Центар изузетних вредности …., Пољопривредни факултет, Универзите у Новом Саду. Датум: 28-30.03.2022. Организатор: Душан Петрић, заменик руководиоца AIM COST Action.

Обиље ентомолошких података о ефикасности различитих метода сузбијања азијског тиграстог комарца, Aedes albopictus, (укључујући СИТ) прикупљено је током 12 радних дана Школе обуке „Контола квалитета мера сузбијања инвазивних комараца рода Aedes“ у Валенсији. Организатор радионице је проверио квалитет а затим послао необрађене податаке учесницима Школе обуке на додатну проверу квалитета у јануару 2022. У исто време, учесници су замољени да раде у групама анализирајући податке са својих експерименталних површина пратећи протокол послат од стране организатора и припреме презенатције за Радионицу

Монографије И Научни радови

Монографије и поглавља у монографијама

  1.  Becker, N., Petrić, D., Zgombа, M., Boаse, C., Mаdon, M.B., Dаhl, C., Kаiser. A., (2020). Mosquitoes: Identificаtion, Ecology аnd Control. Series: Fаscinаting Life Sciences. Springer Nаture Switzerlаnd AG 2020. 3rd ed., XXXI, 570 p. 450 illus., 350 illus. in color, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11623-1) M11
  2. Lalić, B., Eitzinger, J., Dalla Marta, A., Orlandini, S., Firanj Sremac, A., Pacher, B. (2018). Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology, Firenze University Press, Florence, p.354, ISBN 978- 88-6453-795-5 M11
  3. Lalić, B.,Marčić, M., Firanj Sremac, A., Eitzinger, J., Koci, I., Petrić, T., Ljubojević, M., Jezerkić, B. (2020). Landscape Phenology Modelling Decision Support in Serbia. In W. Mirschel, V. V. Terleev, K.-O. Wenkel Eds. Landscape Modelling and Decision Support, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, p. 567-593. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37421-1_29 M12
  4. Mihailović, D.T., Balaž, I., Kapor, D. (2016). Time and Methods in Environmental Interfaces Modelling, Personal Insights. Elsevier. ISBN 9780444639189, p. 412. M11
  5. Firanj, A., Lalić, B., Ganzeveld, L., Podraščanin, Z. (2015). The Impact of Forest Canopy Structure on Simulations of Atmosphere-Biosphere NOX exchange. In: Advances in Environmental Research (Ed. Justin A. Daniels). NOVA Science Publisher, Inc., New York, 41, 1-16. ISBN: 978-1- 63482-911-3. M14
  6. Savić, S., Potkonjak, A., Zekić-Stošić, M., Petrović, T. (2019). Chapter 4 – The Emergence of Vector-Borne Diseases in New Locations. In: Roig B, Weiss K, Thireau V, editors. Management of Emerging Public Health Issues and Risks, ISBN: 978-0-12-813290-6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/C2016-0-00995-6, Publisher: Academic Press;. p. 89-99. M12
  7. Petrović, V., Ristanović, E., Potkonjak, A.(2017). TBE in Serbia. In: TBE-The Book, Edited by Dobler G., Erber W., Schmitt H.J., ISBN: 978-981-1903-3, 304 pages, Publisher: Global Health Press, Singapore. M12
  8. Savić, S., Vidić, B., Grgić, Z., Petrović, T., Potkonjak, A., Ćupina, A., Vaselek, S., Petrić, D.(2015). Dirofilariosis and Leishmaniasis in the Northern Region of Serbia. Chapter 6, DOI: 10.5772/61761, In: An Overview of Tropical Diseases, Edited by Amidou Samie, ISBN 978-953- 51-2224-1, 210 pages, Publisher: InTech. M12
  9. Aleksandra Konjevic (2022): True bugs (Heteroptera) as pests in ornamentals. Chapter V in: Sustainable practices in horticulture and landscape architecture. Editors: Jovana Ostojic and Arzu Cig. Iksad Publications – 2022. ISBN: 978-625-8323-13-9. Ankara/Turkey. p. 123-144 https://iksadyayinevi.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/SUSTAINABLE-PRACTICES-IN-HORTICULTURE-AND-LANDSCAPE-ARCHITECTURE.pdf
  10. Balaz, I., Adamatzky, A. (Eds.) Cancer, Complexity, Computation, 2022, Springer, p. 355, ISBN: 978-3-031-04379-6
  11. Lalic, B., Balaz, I. Local Quantitative and Qualitative Sensitivity Analysis of CSC Dynamical Simulation. In: Balaz, I., Adamatzky, A. (eds) Cancer, Complexity, Computation. Emergence,
    Complexity and Computation, 2022, vol 46. Springer, Cham., https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04379-6_8
  12. Savić, M., Kurbalija, V., Balaz, I., Ivanović, M. Heterogeneous Tumour Modeling Using PhysiCell and Its Implications in Precision Medicine. In: Balaz, I., Adamatzky, A. (eds) Cancer, Complexity, Computation. Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 2022, vol 46. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04379-6_7
  13. Kovacevic, M., Balaz, I. The Role of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Multiscale Modeling of Nanocarriers for Cancer Treatment. In: Balaz, I., Adamatzky, A. (eds) Cancer, Complexity, Computation. Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 2022, vol 46. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04379-6_9

Научни Радови са SCI листе


  1. Bellini, R., Michaelakis, A., Petrić, D., Schaffner, F., Alten, B., Angelini, P., Aranda, C., Becker, N., Carrieri, M., Di Luca, M., Fălcuţă, E., Flacio, E., Klobučar, A., Lagneau, C., Merdić, E., Mikov, O., Pajovic, I., Papachristos, D., Sousa, C.A., Stroo, A., Toma, L., Vasquez, M.I., Velo, E., Venturelli, C., Zgomba, M. (2020). Practical management plan for invasive mosquito species in Europe: I. Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus). Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101691 IF= 4.589, M21a
  2. Dente, M.G., Riccardo, F., Bolici, F., Colella, N.A., Jovanovic, V., Drakulovic, M., Vasic, M., Mamlouk, H., Maazaoui, L., Bejaoui, M., Zakhashvili, K., Kalandadze, I., Imnadze, P., Declich, S., Knjeginic, V., Stojkovic, B., Labus, T., Milicevic, V., Veljovic, L., Maksimovic-Zoric, J., Stoiljkovic, V., Svetlana, F., Protic, J., Zgomba, M., Petrić, D., Despot, D., Pesic, B., Serovic, K., Aleksic, I., Djuric, I., Ilic, D., Vrga, S., Pavlovic, L., Plavsa, D., Grego, E., Dr, M., Harabech, K., Ministère, D., Nissaf, B., Bougatef, S., Triki, H., Bouattour, A., Rebhi, M., Daaboub, J., Somai, L., Zerlli, M., Oukaili, K., Heni, H., Sghaier, C., Fatnassi, N., Kalthoum, S., Dhaouadi, A., Abdelhak, B., Mahale, I., Marzouk, M., Sassi, B., Grira, S., Ayadi, S., Mastouri, Faten, A., Abdelkader, B., Chakhunashvili, G., Babuadze, G., Mamuchishvili, N., Chanturia, G., Adeishvili, E., Avaliani, L., Ninidze, L., Kartskhia, N., Gulbani, A., Kokhreidze, M., Donduashvili, M., Kekelidze, A., the MeSA Working Group (2019). Implementation of the One Health approach to fight arbovirus infections in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region: Assessing integrated surveillance in Serbia, Tunisia and Georgia. Zoonoses and Public Health, 66(3): 276-287. DOI: 10.1111/zph.12562 IF= 2.164 7 (za 2018), M21a
  3. Jourdain, F., Samy, A.M., Hamidi, A., Bouattour, A., Alten, B., Faraj, C., Roiz, D., Petrić, D., Perez- Ramırez, E., Velo, E., Gunay, G., Bosevska, G., Salem, I., Pajovic, I., Marić, J., Kanani, K., Paronyan, L., Dente, M.-G., Picard, M., Zgomba, M., Sarih, M., Haddad, N., Gaidash, O., Sukhiasvili, R., Declich, S., Shaibi, T., Sulesco, T., Harrat, Z., Robert, V. (2019). Towards harmonisation of entomological surveillance in the Mediterranean area. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 13(6): e0007314. IF=4,487, M21a
  4. Stillman, N.R., Kovacevic, M., Balaž, I. Hauert S (2020). In silico modelling of cancer nanomedicine, across scales and transport barriers. npj Comput Mater 6, 92.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-020-00366-8 IF= 11.282, M21a
  5. Jancic, M., Lalić, B., Mihailovic, D. T., Jacimovic, G. (2015). Impact of climate change and carbon dioxide fertilization effect on irrigation water demand and yield of soybean in Serbia. Journal of Agricultural Science, 153: 1365–1379, Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/S002185961500 IF= 2.447 (za 2013), M21a
  6. Mihailovic, D.T., Dreskovic, N, Arsenic, I., Ciric, V., Pap, I., Djurdjevic, V., Mimic, G., Balaž, I. (2016). Climate change impact on thermal and moisture regimes of soils in Serbia: an analysis with data from regional climate simulations under the SRES-A1B. Science of the Total Environment, 571: 398-409. IF = 4.900, М21а
  7. Cutler, S., Vayssier-Taussat, M., Estrada-Peña, A., Potkonjak, A., Mihalca, A.D., Zeller, H. (2019). A new Borrelia on the block: Borrelia miyamotoi – a human health risk? Euro Surveill., 24(18): 12-25. IF= 6.454, M21a
  8. Roantree, M., Savić, S., Scriney, M., and Lalić, B.: Enabling FAIR Certification for Micrometeorological Datasets, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2023-334, 2023 (M21а, IF 11,4)


  1. Balatsos, G., Puggioli, A., Karras, V., Lytra, I., Mastronikolos, G., Carrieri, M., Papachristos, D.P., Malfacini, M., Stefopoulou, A., Ioannou, C.S., Balestrino, F., Bouyer, J., Petrić D., Pajović, I., Kapranas A., Papadopoulos, N.T., Milonas P.G., Bellini, R. and Michaelakis, A. (2021). Reduction in Egg Fertility of Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in Greece Following Releases of Imported Sterile Males. Insects, 12: 110. (IF= 2,20, M21) https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12020110
  2. Dvorak, V., Kasap, O.E., Ivovic, V., Mikov O., Stefanovska J., Martinkovic F., Omeragic J., Pajovic I., Baymak D., Oguz G., Hlavackova K., Gresova M., Gunay F., Vaselek S., Ayhan N., Lestinova T., Cvetkovikj A., Klaric Soldo D., Katerinova I., Tchakarova S., Yılmaz A., Karaoglu B., Risueno Iranzo J., Kadriaj P., Velo E., Ozbel Y, Petrić D., Volf P., Alten B. (2020). Sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in eight Balkan countries: historical review and region-wide entomological survey. Parasites Vectors, 13: 573. (IF= 2,824, M 21) https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-04448-w
  3. Panarese R., Iatta R., Latrofa M.S., Zatelli A., Ignjatović Ćupina A., Montarsi F., Pombi M., Mendoza-Roldan J.A., Beugnet F., Otranto D. (2020). Hyperendemic Dirofilaria immitis infection in a sheltered dog population: an expanding threat in the Mediterranean region. International Journal for Parasitology, 50(8): 555-559. (М21, IF=3,530) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2020.04.002
  4. Vaselek, S., Oguz, G., Ayhan, N., Ozbel, Y., Kadriaj, P., Ćupina, A. I., Velo, E., Muja, N., Baymak, D., Alishani, M., Toz, S., Nalcaci, M., Sherifi, K., Charrel, R., Alten, B., Petrić, D. (2020). Sandfly surveillance and investigation of Leishmania spp. DNA in sandflies in Kosovo. Medical and Veterinarѕ Entomology, 34(4): 394-401. IF= 2.178, M21 https://doi.org/10.1111/mve.12451
  5. Drakou, K., Nikolaou, T., Vasquez, M., Petrić, D., Michaelakis, A., Kapranas, A., et al. (2020). The E ff ect of Weather Variables on Mosquito Activity : A Snapshot of the Main Point of Entry of Cyprus. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17: 1403. IF=2.849 (M21) doi:10.3390/ijerph17041403
  6. Mignotte, A., Garros, C., Gardes, L., Balenghien, T., Duhayon, M., Rakotoarivony, I., Tabourin, L., Poujol, L., Mathieu, B., Ibanez‑Justicia, A., Deniz, A., Cvetkovikj, A., Purse, B.V., Ramilo, D.W., Stougiou, D., Werner, D., Pudar, D., Petrić, D., Veronesi, E., Jacobs, F., Kampen, H., Pereira da Fonseca, I., Lucientes, J., Navarro, J., de la Puente J.M., Stefanovska, J., Searle, K.R., Khallaayoune, K., Culverwell, C.L., Larska, M., Bourquia, M., Goffredo, M., Bisia, M., England, M., Robin, M., Quaglia, M., Miranda‑Chueca, M.Á., Bodker, R., Estrada‑Pena, R., Carpenter, S., Tchakarova, S., Boutsini, S., Sviland, S., Schäfer, S.M., Ozoliņa, Z., Segliņa, Z., Vatansever, Z., Huber, K. (2020). The tree that hides the forest: cryptic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in  the  Palaearctic  vector  Obsoletus/Scoticus  Complex  (Diptera:  Ceratopogonidae)  at  the European level. Parasites Vectors, 13: 265. IF=3.169, M21 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-04114-1
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  9. Vaselek, S., Dvorak, V., Hlavackova, K., Ayhan, N., Halada, P., Oguz, G., Ivović, V., Ozbel, Y., Charrel, R.N., Alten, B., Petrić, D. (2019). A survey of sand flies (Diptera, Phlebotominae) along recurrent transit routes in Serbia. Acta Trop, 197:105063. (IF=2.629,M21)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actatropica.2019.105063
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  14. Petrović, T., Sekler, M., Petrić, D., Lazio, S., Debeljak, Z., Vidanović, D., et al. (2018). Methodology and results of integrated WNV surveillance programmes in Serbia. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195439. IF=2,806, (M21)
  15. Pudar, D., Petrić, D., Allène, X., Alten, B., Ayhan, A., Cvetkovikj, A., Garros, C., Goletić, T., Gunay, F., Hlavackova, K., Ignjatović Ćupina, A., Kavran, M., Lestinova, T., Mathieu, B., Mikov, O., Pajović, I., Rakotoarivony, I., Stefanovska. I., Vaselek, S., Zuko, A., Balenghien, T. (2018). An update of the Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) checklist for the Balkans. Parasites & Vectors, 11:462. IF=3.169 (M21) https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-018-3051-x
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  17. Petrić, M., Lalić, B., Ducheyne, E., Djurdjević, V., Petrić, D. (2017). Modelling the regional impact of climate change on the suitability of the establishment of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in Serbia. Clim. Change., 142: 361–374. doi:10.1007/s10584-017-1946-8. IF=4.998 (M21)
  18. Groen, T.A., L’Ambert, G., Bellini, R., Chaskopoulou, A., Petrić, D., Zgomba, M., Marrama, L., Bicout, D.J. (2017). Ecology of West Nile virus across four European countries: Empirical modelling of the Culex pipiens abundance dynamics as a function of weather. Parasites and Vectors. 10 doi:10.1186/s13071-017-2484-y. IF=3.169 (M21)
  19. Ayhan, N., Alten, B., Ivovic, V., Dvořák, V., Martinkovic, F., Omeragic, J., Stefanovska, J., Petrić, D., Vaselek, S., Baymak, D., Kasap, O.E., Volf, P., Charrel, R.N. (2017). Direct evidence for an expanded circulation area of the recently identified Balkan virus (Sandfly fever Naples virus species) in several countries of the Balkan archipelago. Parasites and Vectors, 10. doi:10.1186/s13071-017-2334-y IF=3.169 (M21)
  20. Chaskopoulou, A., L’Ambert, G., Petrić, D., Bellini, R., Zgomba, M., Groen, T.A., Marrama, L., Bicout, D.J. (2016). Ecology of West Nile virus across four European countries: review of weather profiles, vector population dynamics and vector control response. Parasites & Vectors, 9:482. DOI 10.1186/s13071-016-1736-6 IF=3.169 (M21)
  21. Petrovic, V., Turkulov, V., Ilic, S., Milosevic, V., Petrovic, M., Petrić, D., Potkonjak, A. (2016). First report of imported case of dengue fever in Republic of Serbia. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 14: 60-61 (IF=3,055, M21)
  22. Adler, P.H., Kúdelová, T., Kúdela, M., Seitz, G., Ignjatović-Ćupina, A. (2016). Cryptic Biodiversity and the Origins of Pest Status Revealed in the Macrogenome of Simulium colombaschense (Diptera: Simuliidae), History’s Most Destructive Black Fly. PLoS ONE 11(1). (IF=2,806, M21) http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone. 0147673
  23. Meseldžija, M., Lazić, S., Dudić, M., Šunjka, D., Rajković, M., Marković, T., Vukotić, J,, Ljevnaić- Mašić, B., Jurišić, A., Ivanović, I. (2020). Is there a possibility to involve the hormesis effect on the soybean with glyphosate sub-lethal amounts used to control weed species Amaranthus retroflexus ? Agronomy, 10: 850. (М21, IF=2.603) https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/10/6/850
  24. Tunić, T., Knezević, V., Kerkez, D.V., Tubić, A., Šunjka, D.B., Lazić, S.D., Brkić, D.V., Teodorović, I. (2015). Some arguments in favor of a Myriophyllumaquaticum growth inhibition test in a water- sediment system as an additional test in risk assessment of herbicides, Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 34(9): 2104-2115. (М21, IF=2.763)https://setac.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/etc.3034
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  26. Mihailović, D.T., Lalić, B., Drešković N., Mimić, G., Djurdjević, V., Jančić, M. (2015). Climate change effects on crop yields in Serbia and related shifts of Köppen climate zones under the SRES-A1B and SRES-A2. International Journal of Climatology 35(11): 3320-3334. DOI: 10.1002/joc (M21, IF= 3.609)
  27. Lalić, B., Firanj Sremac, A., Dekić, Lj., Eitzinger, J., Perišić, D. (2017). Seasonal forecasting of green water components and crop yields of winter wheat in Serbia and Austria. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 1-17. doi: 10.1017/S0021859617000788 (IF= 1.186, M21)
  28. Lalić, B., Firanj Sremac, A., Eitzinger, J., Stričević, R., Thaler, S., Maksimović, I., Daničić, M., Perišić, D., Dekić, Lj. (2018). Seasonal forecasting of green water components and crop yield of summer crops in Serbia and Austria. Journal of Agricultural Science, 1-15, doi:10.1017/S0021859618000047, IF(2016)1.699 (IF(2018)= 1.330, M21)
  29. Keyuan Z., Zheng, F., Zhang, X., Qin, C., Xu, X., Lalić, B., Ćupina, B. (2020). Dynamic changes in snowfall extremes in the Songhua River Basin, Northeasten China. International Journal of Climatology, 1-16. DOI: 10.1002/joc.6628 (IF(2019)= 3.928, M21)
  30. Cutler, S., Vayssier-Taussat, M., Estrada-Peña, A., Potkonjak, A., Mihalca, A.D., Zeller, H. (2021). Tick-borne diseases and co-infection: Current considerations. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 12 (1): 101607. IF=2.749, М21
  31. Savić, S., Stosic, M.Z., Marcic, D., Hernández, I., Potkonjak, A., Otasevic, S., Ruzic, M., Morchón, R. (2020). Seroepidemiological Study of Canine and Human Dirofilariasis in the Endemic Region of Northern Serbia. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7(571). IF=2.245, М21
  32. Matei, I.A., Estrada-Peña, A., Cutler, S.J., Vayssier-Taussat, M., Varela-Castro, L., Potkonjak, A., Zeller, H., Mihalca, A.D. (2019). A review on the eco-epidemiology and clinical management of human granulocytic anaplasmosis and its agent in Europe. Parasites Vectors, 12: 599 IF= 2.824, М21
  33. Estrada Peña, A., Cutler, S., Potkonjak, A., Vassier Tussaut, M., Van Bortel, W., Zeller, H., Fernández, Ruiz N., Mihalca, A.D. (2018). An updated meta analysis of the distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in ticks in Europe. International Journal of Health Geographics, 17(1): 41. IF= 2.862, М21
  34. Potkonjak, A., Gutiérrez, R., Savić, S., Vračar, V., Nachum-Biala, Y., Jurišić, A., Kleinerman, G., Rojas, A., Petrović, A., Baneth, G., Harrus, S. (2016). Molecular detection of emerging tick-borne pathogens in Vojvodina, Serbia. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 7 (1): 199-203. IF= 3.230, М21
  35. Konjevic, A., Milovac, Z., Kontsedalov, S., Kanakala S, Ghanim, M. (2018). First interception of Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (Q biotype) in Serbia. Journal of Applied Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/jen.12508 ID=5066223 (IF=2.211, M21)
  36. Meseldžija, M., Rajković, M., Dudić, M., Vranešević, M., Bezdan, A., Jurišić, A., Ljevnaić-Mašić, B. (2020). Economic Feasibility of Chemical Weed Control in Soybean Production in Serbia. Agronomy, 10, 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10020291 (IF 2.603, М21)
  37. Balatsos, G.; Puggioli, A.; Karras, V.; Lytra, I.; Mastronikolos, G.; Carrieri, M.;Papachristos, D.P.; Malfacini, M.; Stefopoulou, A.; Ioannou, C.S.; Balestrino, F.; Bouyer,J.; Petrić, D.; Pajović, I.; Kapranas, A.; Papadopoulos, N.T.; Milonas, P.G.; Bellini, R.;
    Michaelakis, A. Reduction in Egg Fertility of Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in Greece Following Releases of Imported Sterile Males. Insects 2021, 12, 110. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12020110 (M21 IF= 2.769)
  38. Kavran, M.; Puggioli, A.; Šiljegović, S.; Čanadžić, D.; Laćarac, N.; Rakita, M.;Ignjatović Ćupina, A.; Petrić, D.; Bellini, R. Optimization of Aedes albopictus (Diptera:Culicidae) Mass Rearing through Cost-Effective Larval Feeding. Insects 2022, 13, 504. https://doi.org/10.3390/ insects13060504 (M21 IF= 2.769)
  39. Kamil Erguler, Jacob Mendel, Dušan Veljko Petrić, Mina Petrić, Mihaela Kavran, Murat Can Demirok, Filiz Gunay, Pantelis Georgiades, Bulent Alten, Jos Lelieveld (2022): A dynamically structured matrix population model for insect life histories observed under variable environmental conditions. Scientifc Reports. 12: 11587. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-15806-2 (M21 IF 4.996)
  40. Enkelejda Velo, Fabrizio Balestrino, Përparim Kadriaj, Danilo Oliveira Carvalho, Ahmadou Dicko, Romeo Bellini, Arianna Puggioli, Dusan Petrić, Antonios Michaelakis, Francis Schaffner, David Almenar, Igor Pajovic, Alfred Beqirllari, Migel Ali, Gjergji Sino, Elton Rogozi, Vjola Jani, Adelina Nikolla, Tanja Porja, Thanas Goga, Elena
    Fălcuă, Mihaela Kavran, Dubravka Pudar, Ognyan Mikov, Nadya Ivanova-Aleksandrova,
    Aleksandar Cvetkovikj, Muhammet Mustafa Akıner, Rados Mikovic, Lindita Tafaj, SilvaBino, Jeremy Bouyer and Wadaka Mamai: Mark-Release-Recapture Study to Estimate Field Performance of Imported Radio-Sterilized Male Aedes albopictus in Albania. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2022:1244. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2022.833698 (M21, IF 6.064).
  41. Verena Pichler, Beniamino Caputo, Vera Valadas, Martina Micocci, Cintia Horvath, Chiara Virgillito, Mustafa Akiner, Georgios Balatsos, Christelle Bender, Gilles Besnard, Daniel Bravo-Barriga, Rubén Bueno-Mari, Francisco Collantes, Sarah Delacour-Estrella, Enkelejda Dikolli, Elena Falcuta, Eleonora Flacio, Ana L. García-Pérez, Katja Kalan, Mihaela Kavran, Gregory L’Ambert, Riccardo P. Lia, Eduardo Marabuto, Raquel Medialdea, Rosario Melero-Alcibar, Antonios Michaelakis, Andrei Mihalca, Ognyan Mikov, Miguel A. Miranda, Pie Müller, Domenico Otranto, Igor Pajovic, Dusan Petric, Maria Teresa Rebelo, Vincent Robert, Elton Rogozi, Ana Tello, Toni Zitko, Francis
    Schaffner, Joao Pinto & Alessandra della Torre: Geographic distribution of the V1016G knockdown resistance mutation in Aedes albopictus: a warning bell for Europe. Parasites Vectors 15, 280 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-022-05407-3. (M21 IF 4.047).
  42. Kavran Mihaela, Aleksandra Konjević, Dušan Petrić and Aleksandra Ignjatović Ćupina. 2023. The Introduction and Establishment of Four Invasive Insect Species in Serbia. Insects 2023, 14, 728. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14090728 (M21, IF=3)
  43. Bošković, D., Vuković, S., Lazić, S., Baser, N., Čulum, D., Tekić, D., Žunić, A., Šušnjar, A., Šunjka, D. (2023): Insecticidal activity of selected essential oils against Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Plants, 12, 3727. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12213727 (M21, IF 4.5)


  1. Janssen, N., Graovac, N., Vignjević, G., Bogojević, M.S., Turić, N., Klobučar, A., Kavran, M., Petrić, D., Ignjatović Ćupina, A., Fischer, S., Werner, D., Kampen, H., Merdić, E. (2020). Rapid spread and population genetics of Aedes japonicus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae) in southeastern Europe (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia). PLoSONE 15(10):e0241235.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241235 IF=2.806, M22
  2. Kavran, M., Pajovic, I., Petrić, D., Ignjatovic Cupina, A., Latinovic, N., Jovanovic, M., Quarrie, S.A., Zgomba, M. (2020). Aquatain AMF efficacy on juvenile mosquito stages in control of Culex pipiens complex and Aedes albopictus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 1–10. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12884 (IF=1,696, M22)
  3. Mihailović, D.T., Petrić, D., Petrović, T., Hrnjaković-Cvjetković, I., Djurdjevic, V., Nikolić-Đorić, E., et al. (2020). Assessment of climate change impact on the malaria vector Anopheles hyrcanus, West Nile disease, and incidence of melanoma in the Vojvodina Province (Serbia) using data from a regional climate model. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0227679.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0227679 IF=2.806, M22
  4. Ivezić, A., Rugman-Jones, P., Malausa, T., Ris, N., Ignjatović-Ćupina A. (2020). Molecular identification of Trichogramma species parasitizing Ostrinia nubilalis in corn and pepper in south–east border of Europe, International Journal of Pest Management,https://doi.org/10.1080/09670874.2020.1779383 (M22, IF=1,091)
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  6. Petrić, M., Lalić, B., Pajović, I., Micev, S., Đurđević, V., Petrić, D. (2018). Expected Changes of Montenegrin Climate, Impact on the Establishment and Spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus), and Validation of the Model and Model-Based Field Sampling, Atmosphere (Basel), 9 (453). doi:10.3390/atmos9110453. IF=2,046, M22
  7. Kavran, M., Zgomba, M., Weitzel, T., Petrić, D., Manz, C. and Becker, N. (2018). Distribution of Anopheles daciae and other Anopheles maculipennis complex species in Serbia. Parasitology research, 117(10): 3277-3287. IF=1.843, M22=5 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-018-6028-y
  8. Napp, S., Petrić, D., Busquets, N. (2018). West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne viruses present in Eastern Europe. Pathogens and Global Health. DOI: 10.1080/20477724.2018.1483567 IF=2.42, M22
  9. Sunulahpašić, A., Mitrić, S., Šunjka, D., Žabić, M., Predić, T., Šipka, M., Rodić, L. (2020). Adsorption of nicosulfuron herbicide in the agricultural soils of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Plant, Soil and Environment, 66: 162-166. (IF=1.324, М22) https://www.agriculturejournals.cz/ publicFiles/80_2020-PSE.pdf
  10. Žunić, A., Vuković, S., Lazić, S., Šunjka, D., Bošković, D. (2020). The efficacy of novel diamid insecticides in Grapholitamolesta suppression and their residues in peach fruits. Plant protection science, 56: 46-51. (IF=1.130, М22) https://www.agriculturejournals.cz/ web/pps.htm?type=article&id=71_2019-PPS
  11. Mihajlovic, V., Tomić, T., Tubić, A., Molnar-Jazić, J.J., Ivancev-Tumbas, Ivana, I., Šunjka, D.B., Lazić, S.D., Teodorović, I. (2019). The impact of humic acid on toxicity of individual herbicides and their mixtures to aquatic macrophytes Environmental science and pollution research, 26(23): 23571-23582. (IF=3.056, М22) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11356-019-05629-6
  12. Gobin, A., Kersebaum, K. C., Eitzinger, J., Trnka, M., Hlavinka, P., Takáč, J., Kroes, J., Ventrella, D., Dalla Marta, A., Deelstra, J., Lalić, B., Nejedlik, P., Orlandini, S., Peltonen-Sainio, P., Rajala, A., Saue, T., Şaylan, L., Stričevic, R., Vučetić, V. & Zoumides, C. (2017). Variability in the Water Footprint of Arable Crop Production across European Regions. Water, 9(93): 1-22. doi: 10.3390/w9020093 IF= 2.069, М22
  13. Ljubojević, M., Maksimović, I., Lalić, B., Dekić, L., Narandžić, T., Magazin, N., Dulić, J., Miodragović, M., Barać, G., Ognjanov, V. (2018). Environmentally-Related Cherry Root Cambial Plasticity. Atmosphere, 9 (358). IF= 2.046, М22 https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9090358
  14. Stjepanović, S., Matović, B., Stojanović, D., Lalić, B., Levanič, T., Orlović, S., Gutalj, M. (2018). The Impact of Adverse Weather and Climate on the Width of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica ) Tree Rings in Southeastern Europe. Atmosphere, 9(11): 451. IF= 2.046, М22https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9110451
  15. Firanj Sremac, A., Lalić, B., Marčić, M., Dekić, Lj. (2018). Towards the weather-based forecasting system for fire blight and downy mildew. Atmosphere, 9(12): 484. IF= 2.046, М22https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9120484
  16. Daničić, M., Zekić, V., Mirosavljević, M., Lalić, B., Putnik-Delić, M., Maksimović, I., Dalla Marta, A. (2019). Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Response to climate change in Northern Serbia. Atmosphere, 10(1): 14. IF= 2.397, М22
  17. Lompar, M., Lalić, B., Dekić, Lj., Petrić, M. (2019). Filling gaps in hourly air temperature data using debiased ERA5 data. Atmosphere, 10(1): 13. IF= 2.397, М22https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10010013
  18. Balaž, I., Petrić T., Kovacevic M.,Tsompanas, M-A., Stillman, N.R. (2020). Harnessing Adaptive Novelty for Automated Generation of Cancer Treatments. Biosystems. IF= 1.808, М22 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2020.104290
  19. Mihailovic, D.T., Kostic, V., Balaž, I., Kapor, V. (2016). Computing the Threshold of the Influence of Intercellular Nanotubes on Cell-to-Cell Communication Integrity. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 91: 174-179. IF= 1.455, М22
  20. Potkonjak, A., Rojas, A., Gutiérrez, R., Nachum-Biala, Y., Kleinerman, G., Savić, S., Polaček, V., Pušić, I., Harrus, S., Baneth, G. (2020). Molecular survey of Dirofilaria species in stray dogs, red foxes and golden jackals from Vojvodina, Serbia. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 68: 101409. IF=1.573, М22
  21. Duscher, G.G., Hodžić, A., Potkonjak, A., Leschnik, M.W., Spergser, J. (2018). Bartonella henselae and Rickettsia felis Detected in Cat Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) Derived from Eastern Austrian Cats. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 18(5): 282-284. IF= 1.939, М22
  22. Potkonjak, A., Petrović, T., Ristanović, E., Lalić, I., Vračar, V., Savić, S., Turkulov, V., Čanak, G., Milošević, V., Vidanović, D. and others. (2017). Molecular Detection and Serological Evidence of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Serbia. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis., 17(12): 813-820. IF= 2.171, М22
  23. Potkonjak, A., Kleinerman, G., Gutiérrez, R., Savić, S., Vračar, V., Nachum-Biala, Y., Jurišić, A., Rojas, A., Petrović, A., Ivanović, I., Harrus, S., Baneth, G. (2016). Occurrence of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato in Ixodes ricinus Ticks with First Identification of Borrelia miyamotoi in Vojvodina, Serbia. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 16(10): 631-635. IF= 2.045, М22
  24. Musolin, D.L., Konjević, A., Karpun, N.N., Protsenko, V.Ye., Ayba, L.Ya., Saulich, A.Kh. (2017). Invasive brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Russia, Abkhazia, and Serbia: history of invasion, range expansion, early stages of establishment, and first records of damage to local crops. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 12: 517-529. IF=1.466, M22 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-017-9583-8
  25. Dudić, M., Meseldžija, M., Ljevnaić-Mašić, B., Rajković, M., Marković, T., Begović, R., Jurišić, A., Ivanović, I. (2020). Weed composition and its control in intensive and extensive floor management apple orchards. Chilean Jounal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 80, No.4, pp. 546-560. IF=1.321, M22http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-58392020000400546 
  26. Petrović T, Šekler M, Petrić D, Vidanović D, Debeljak Z, Lazić G, Lupulović D, KavranM, Samojlović M, Ignjatović Ćupina A, Tešović B, Lazić S, Kolarević M, Labus T, Djurić B. Intensive West Nile Virus Circulation in Serbia in 2018-Results of Integrated Surveillance Program. Pathogens. 2021 Oct 8;10(10):1294. doi: 10.3390/pathogens10101294. PMID: 34684243; PMCID: PMC8540029 (M22 IF=3.7)

  27. Dubravka Pudar, Arianna Puggioli, Fabrizio Balestrino, Victoria Sy, Marco Carrieri, Romeo Bellini, Dusan Petric. Effect of cage size on Aedes albopictus wing length, survival and egg production. Heliyon 7 (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07381 (M22IF=4)
  28. Jurišić A, Ignjatović-Ćupina A, Kavran M, Potkonjak A, Ivanović I, Bjelić-Čabrilo O, Meseldžija M., Dudić M., Poljaković-Pajnik L., Vasić V. Surveillance Strategies of Rodents in Agroecosystems, Forestry and Urban Environments. Sustainability. 2022;14(15):9233. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159233 ISSN: 2071-1050 (M22, IF 3.889)

  29. Rahola N, Manucharyan A, Günay F, Öztürk M, Alten B, Aqeehal HA, Saadawi WK, Shaibi T, Kavran M, Petrić D, Mitrović J et al. (2022): Assessment of expertise in morphological identification of mosquito species (Diptera, Culicidae) using photomicrographs. Parasite. 29: 45. doi: 10.1051/parasite/2022045 (M22 IF=2.9).
  30. Banović P., Díaz-Sánchez A.A., Đurić S., Sević S., Turkulov V., Lendak D., Mikić S.S., Simin V., Mijatović D., Bogdan I., Potkonjak A., Savić S., Obregón D., Cabezas-Cruz A. Unexpected TBEV Seropositivity in Serbian Patients Who Recovered from Viral
    Meningitis and Encephalitis. Pathogens. 2022, 11(3):371. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens11030371 ISSN: 2076-0817 (М22 IF= 4.531)
  31. Lalić, B.; Fitzjarrald, D. R.; Firanj Sremac, A.; Marčić, M.; Petrić, M. Identifying Crop and Orchard Growing Stages Using Conventional Temperature and Humidity Reports. Atmosphere 2022, 13 (5), 700. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos1305070 (M22 IF=3.110)
  32. Dolinaj Vladimir; Grujic Jasmina; Krizanovic Davor; Potkonjak Aleksandar; Pape Thomas; Banovic Pavle. The Price of Hospital Reshaping: Nasal Myiasis Caused by Flesh Fly (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in Reallocated COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit.
    Healthcare, 2023. 11(11): 1533; DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11111533, (M-22, IF-2,8)
  33. Jurisic Aleksandar; Cupina Ignjatovic Aleksandra; Potkonjak Aleksandar; Savic Sara; Ivanovic Ivana; Kavran Mihaela; Zikic Dragan; Meseldzija, Maja; Dudic Milica. Bio-efficacy of permethrin/tetramethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin treatments in habitats of hard ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) populations with confirmed Borrelia spp. infection. Parasitology Research, 2023. 122(5): 127-1138; DOI: 10.1007/s00436-023-07812-8 (M-22, IF-2)
  34. Vasquez MI, Notarides G,Meletiou S, Patsoula E, Kavran M, Michaelakis A, Bellini R, Toumazi T, Bouyer J & Petrić. 2023. Two invasions at once: update on the introduction of the invasive species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Cyprus – a call for action in Europe. Parasite 30, 41. https://doi.org/10.1051/parasite/2023043 (M22=5, IF=2.9).
  35. Begović, R.; Dudić, M.; Meseldžija, M.; Vranešević, M.; Jurišić, A. Rationalizing Herbicide Use in Maize within the Framework of Climatic Change and Extreme Hydrometeorological Phenomena. Sustainability, 2023, 15, 14444. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151914444 (M22, IF3.9)
  36. Banović, P., Foucault-Simonin, A., Papić, L., Savić S., Potkonjak, A., Jurišić, A., Radenković, M., Mijatović, D., Simin, V., Bogdan, I., Zając, Z., Kulisz, J., Woźniak, A., Hartmann, D., Perner, J., Wu-Chuang, A., Mateos-Hernandez, L., Moutailler, S., Cabezas-Cruz, A. One Health approach to study human health risks associated with Dermanyssus gallinae mites. Heliyon, 2023. In press (M22, IF 4.00)
  37. Martín-Asensio, A., Dávila, S., Cacheux, J., Lindstaedt, A., Dziadosz, A., Witt, D., Calero, M., Balaz, I., Rodríguez, I. (2023) Recapitulating Solid Stress on Tumor on a Chip for Nanomedicine Diffusive Transport Prediction. Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 3 (6), 2200164. https://doi.org/10.1002/anbr.202200164. (M22, IF= 3.4)
  38. Kapo N, Zuber Bogdanović I, Gagović E, Žekić M, Veinović G, Sukara R, Mihaljica D, Adžić B, Kadriaj P, Cvetkovikj A, Djadjovski I, Potkonjak A, Velo E, Savić S, Tomanović S, Omeragić J, Beck R, Hodžić A. Ixodid ticks and zoonotic tick-borne pathogens of the Western Balkans. Parasites & Vectors. 2024 Jan 31;17(1):45. (M21, IF3.2)


  1. Medić, S., Lazić, S., Petrović, T., Petrić, D., Samojlović, M., Lazić, G., Lupulović, D. (2019). Evidence of the first clinical case of equine neuroinvasive West Nile disease in Serbia. Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 69: 1–8. IF=0,656, M23
  2. Petrić, D., Petrović, T., Hrnjaković Cvjetković, I., Zgomba, M., Milošević, V., Lazić, G., Ignjatović Ćupina, A., Lupulović, D., Lazić, S., Dondur, D., Vaselek, S., Živulj, A., Kisin, B., Molnar, T., Janku, D., Pudar, D., Radovanov, J., Kavran, M., Kovačević, G., Plavšić, B., Jovanović Galović, A., Vidić, M., Ilić, S., Petrić, M. (2017). West Nile virus “circulation” in Vojvodina, Serbia: Mosquito, bird, horse and human surveillance. Mol. Cell. Probes. 31. doi:10.1016/j.mcp.2016.10.011. IF=1.924,, M23
  3. Kavran, M., Zgomba, M., Ignjatovic-Ćupina, A., Lazić, S., Petrić, D. (2015). Choice of optimal biocide combination to control flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine: AAEM 05/2015, 22(2):243-246. DOI:10.5604/12321966. 1152073 IF= 0.982 M23
  4. Balaž, I., Haruna T. (2018). Evolution of Influenza A Nucleotide Segments Through the Lens of Different Complexity Measures. Advances in Complex Systems 21(5): 1850009-1 – 24. IF= 0.711, М23 http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219525918500091,
  5. Marčić, D., Potkonjak, A., Žekić-Stošić, M., Spasojević Kosić, Lj., Pušić, I., Savić, S. (2020). Prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis in Dogs from Shelters in Vojvodina, Serbia. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 48: 1772. IF=0.200, M23
  6. Cutler, S., Ruzic-Sabljic, E., Potkonjak, A. (2017). Emerging borreliae – Expanding beyond Lyme borreliosis, Molecular and Cellular Probes, 31: 22-27. IF= 1.689, M23
  7. Potkonjak, A., Vračar, V., Savić, S., Lako, B., Radosavljević, V., Cincović, M., Suvajdžić, Lj., Jurišić, A., Petrović, A. (2015). The seroprevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in dogs in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia. Veterinarski arhiv, 85 (4): 385-394 IF=0.321, M23
  8. Grahovac, N.L., Stojanović, Z.S., Kravić, S.Z., Orčić, D.Z., Suturović, Z.J., Kondić-Špika, A.Dj.,Vasin, J.R., Šunjka, D.B., Jakšić, S.P., Rajković, M.M., Grahovac, N.M. (2017). Determination of residues of sulfonylurea herbicides in soil by using microwave-assisted extraction and high performance liquid chromatographic method. Chemical industry, 71(4): 289-298. IF 0.562, M23
  9. Lazić,  S.D.,  Šunjka,  D.B.,  Jovanov,  P.T.,  Vuković,  S.M.,  Guzsvany,  V.J.  (2018).  LC-MS/MS determination of acetamiprid residues in sweet cherries. Romanian biotechnological letters, 23(1): 13317-13326. IF 0.619, M23 https://www.e-repository.org/rbl/vol.23/iss.1/15.pdf
  10. Konjevic, A. (2020). First Records of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha halys (Stal, 1855) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Republic of North Macedonia —pg. 687. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 72(4). IF=0.354, M23
  11. Vuković S., Žunić A.,Maksimović, I., Lazić, S., Šunjka, D., Žunić V., Putnik-Delić, M. (2022): Insecticide-induced changes of photosynthetic pigments content in peach leaves. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 58(6):1709-1714, IF=0,748 , M23
  12. Pajović I, Kavran M, Atanasova K, Cvetkovikj A (2022): Asian Tiger Mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) (Diptera: Culicidae) Overwintering in Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Acta Zool. Bulg. http://www.acta-zoologica-bulgarica.eu/2022/002621 (M23 IF=0.362).
  13. Ivanović, I., Žekić Stošić M., Ružić Sabljić, E., Cerar Kišek, T., Cvitković Špik, V., Popović, A., Savić, S. (2022): Ecology and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks. Acta Veterinariа Hungarica, Vol. 70, Issue 1, Str.
    15-23, Print ISSN: 0236-6290, Online ISSN: 1588-2705. doi: 10.1556/004.2021.00056 (М23 IF= 0.959)
  14. Olga Vajdle, Sanja Mutić, Sanja Lazić, Zoltan Konya, Valeriya Guszvany, Jasmina Anojčić (2022): Rapid direct cathodic voltammetric determniation of insecticide flonicamid by renewable silver amalgam film electrode. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. https://doi.org10.1080/03067319.2022.2054706 (M23, IF=2.731)
  15. Tomaš Simin, M., Milić, D., Petrović, M., Glavaš Trbić, D., Komaromi, B., Đurić, K. (2023). Institutional Development of Organic Farming in the EU, Problemy Ekorazwoju, (2023), vol. 18, br. 1, str. 120-128 (M-23, IF =1.1)



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